electronic Eczema Area and Severity Index
Eczema assessment made easy and quick
What is the eEASI?
The eEASI is an assessment tool to measure the extent and severity of eczema, a skin inflammation resulting in red, itchy, swollen patches of skin.
Validation of questionnaire
paper version: yes digital version: no
How to use the eEASI
Select if the patient is under or above 8 years of age. Then, select a body region for assessment.

Assess the extent of eczema on that body region, giving it a score between 0 and 6 based on the percentage of involvement.

In the next step, assess the severity using four clinical signs (erythema, oedema/papules, excoriation and lichenification) in the respective body region.
If more than one body region is affected, click on another body region and repeat the steps until all four body regions are assessed.
The EASI score is then determined automatically - it ranges from 0 (no eczema) to 72 (most severe eczema).

The following versions of the eEASI are available
Use of the EASI for eczema
Eczema is a skin condition characterised by inflamed, itchy, red, cracked and swollen skin. The terms "eczema" and "dermatitis" are often used interchangeably, with the most common condition being atopic eczema/dermatitis.
The EASI questionnaire is predominantly used for atopic eczema. It is now the most widely used and has replaced SCORAD, particularly in clinical research.
It is important for practice to use the EASI in conjunction with patient-reported outcomes, especially quality of life (e.g. eDLQI), itching (eItch) and insomnia (eSleep).

eEASI is straightforward to use, thanks to the clear pictures for the classification of eczema spread and severity it is easy to understand regardless if you are a doctor or a patient.

Save your time with eEASI. In only few minutes you can get your EASI score without doing any calculations.

Take care of the environment and save your patient data on the online platform or as PDF files for yourself and your physicians.

Studies show the eEASI to be a reliable assessment of the extent of eczema.

With DermaValue, your eEASI is always just a few clicks away. The application is available for PCs, tablets, smartphones, and other devices.

EASI is available in various languages, so choose the one you prefer and forget about language barriers.
Hanifin JM, Baghoomian W, Grinich E, Leshem YA, Jacobson M, Simpson EL. The Eczema Area and Severity Index-A Practical Guide. Dermatitis. 2022 May-Jun 01;33(3):187-192. doi: 10.1097/DER.0000000000000895
Bożek A, Reich A. Assessment of Intra- and Inter-Rater Reliability of Three Methods for Measuring Atopic Dermatitis Severity: EASI, Objective SCORAD, and IGA. Dermatology. 2017;233(1):16-22. doi: 10.1159/000472711
Minimal Clinically Important Difference (MCID):
Schram ME, Spuls PI, Leeflang MM, Lindeboom R, Bos JD, Schmitt J. EASI, (objective) SCORAD and POEM for atopic eczema: responsiveness and minimal clinically important difference. Allergy. 2012 Jan;67(1):99-106. doi: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2011.02719.x
Augustin M, Heratizadeh A, Pinter A: EASImeter. EASI-Meter. Eczema Area and Severity Index. www.dermaclinics.de, 2023
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